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Self-Storage ideas: Creating more green space at your home

Everyone is aware of the benefits of having green space in your home. It not only beautifies your home but also purifies the air quality. Having some green area at your home gives a human touch and natural look to your otherwise concrete crib. Here are some ideas from a self-storage facility to help you create more green space at your home. It’s time to increase the size of your home-based botanical garden.

  1. Make Use of the Empty Spaces

    Your house is not only limited to providing space for plants on the floor where all plants are placed usually. But there are other spaces such as the balcony, terrace and the outer spaces such as the windows and roof top. All these places are almost always empty and do not have anything placed on them. Whereas, the floor already has a lot of space allocated for other things, you will find it more of a difficult task to put your plants there. On the other hand, if you allocate these empty spaces, you will add to the beautification of your place. It would seem like a much more creative idea to have the plants elsewhere except for the floor.

  2. Hang Your Plants on the Walls

    Once the places outside are used up you can always go to the walls of your room. Hanging them over the walls gives it more of an aesthetic sense. You can also fix them over a wooden rack as well. You can even acquire services for green walls. Usually ferns, succulents, vines and air plants are best for the walls. There are expert decorators who can cover your walls with pots of plants. This is one of the best self-storages ideas.

  3. Make Seating Arrangements Outside

    If you have a big garden spacious enough to accommodate your furniture, then you can always move out some sofas and tables to sit outside. It’s a nice sitting arrangement that can accommodate a group of people to enjoy the view and get the fresh air as well. If you do not have a sitting area outside in your home, then it is most likely that you got to a public park near you. In that case, you need to be very vigilant about littering. Plastic bottles and such other things are very harmful to the nature. It is best to avoid throwing them in the park. Moreover, you can also opt for environmentally friendly self-storage ideas. You can easily turn your home into an environmentally friendly place which is very easy to do. 

  4. Growing Your Own Herbal Plants

    If you cook or like to collect herbal plants for medicinal purposes, it is recommended that you grow your own herbal plants at home. This way you shall be making green space in your home, and you will also be avoiding that trip to the market just to buy some herbal spices at the last moment.

  5. Décor Your Windows with Plants

    If you have a window in the Southern direction then sun light will directly come into your home. Then you should use this to your advantage and put some plants that thrive under the sun light. These would include cacti and Jade plants. If you fill your house with green spaces, this will ultimately mean that you’re also personalizing all the space within it.

  6. Start Fresh

    You basically have to think with a fresh perspective. Get rid of all the clutter, create space inside your place and finally allow the plants to take over. This would bring a natural ambience to your place. It is going to add a lot towards your happiness and wellbeing.

  7. Act with Responsibility

    Besides creating green space within your own place, you also have to be conscience about your daily life decisions and choices as they also have an impact on the environment around us. There are a number of daily life choices such as using space responsibly which can lead to a great deal of natural conservation. Some of the responsible acts can include using shoe boxes as storage containers.

  8. Reversing the Impact of Urbanization

    A lot of people are of the opinion that the pollution and contamination of nature is due to the growth in urbanization. But you can use these tips to make green spaces within your urban residence. As opposed to the popular belief that moving to the country side is the only solution. There is a plenty of room to improve the conditions in urban areas and make them ecofriendly.

  9. Small Gardens

    The corona pandemic has taught us the value of being in nature and in open atmosphere. Therefore, we want to have small gardens within house so that we can enjoy some breath of fresh air when there is a situation of lockdown in the country. You can go for an orangery or conservatory to make something like that in your home. Therefore, in the recent days the value of small-scale greenery has increased manifold. The pandemic has also shown us that the access to green space is also a problem of social justice as the ethnic minorities do not have access to it. This fact has inspired the people to go for green space in their homes. This matter has been taken up by the city level governments in UK such as Greater Manchester decided to offer green space to every person, as well as plant more trees and provide quality food that is organically and locally grown.


    This is an important issue which we have tried to address in this article. There has been a need for green spaces in the country as the domestic conditions have changed a lot due to the corona pandemic. We have given self-storage ideas on how to create more green space at your home. These ideas can help you in making a huge change in your environment and convert it into a healthier and natural environment. Using the residential space in an optimal way is the approach to be used for making green space at your home. Most often these small changes will go a long way in improving the living conditions.  

    Read Also: 8 Ways to create space for work from home

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